Moods & Grooves VI

01 - Candee Soulchillaz - Lily Was Here
02 - Christoph Goze - Costa Del Sol
03 - Chris Wonderful - With You Forever
04 - Martin Winch - Fields Of Gold
05 - James Last - Streets Of Philadelphia
06 - Art of Noise - Moments In Love
07 - Giorgio Costantini - Tutto l'Amor Perduto
08 - Govi - Sangria
09 - Michael E - Precious Jewel
10 - Robert Passera - Moquette
11 - Julio Martinez - Chiquitita
12 - Lana Del Rey - Summertime Sadness
13 - 3rd Force - The Gift
14 - Paul Schwartz - Ombra Mai Fu
15 - Carl Doy - Wave
16 - Anakelly - Under My Thumb
17 - Tod Lancaster - Crockett's Theme

Compilation by GB
Cover by A.

or alternatively
or alternatively

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